Saturday, January 3, 2015

Why it might be easier loving your kids than your spouse

When we have little ones it comes so easy and natural to give our love to them.  Naturally, we do not reject our children.  We find it easy to be loving and affectionate towards them.  Even though they make an abundancy of mistakes, we do not hold grudges with them.  I understand that there are some exceptions out there but I believe I am speaking about the 90%+ of mom-dad-child relationships in our country.

However, when it comes to spouses it's much different.  There can be grudges. There can be days or weeks without love and affection.  There are separations and divorces.  But why is it so different?  I believe it comes down to a solid statement:

We must have 100% faith that our spouse was specifically chosen for us

Some people might call it destiny. If you want to put your faith in that you can. I believe that God is my dad and he has a destiny and a calling for me. And the most important part of that destiny and calling is my spouse. My partner. My lover. My helpmate. 

Where do we go wrong?

In life we all make  mistakes. Countless mistakes. Mistakes often come from bad choices.  The brilliant thing about this beautiful gift called life is that we can atone for our mistakes and bad choices. We don't have to dwell in them.  We can simply move on. We can chalk it up as a learning lesson, and call it a day.

When we think that we chose our spouse we can call it a mistake

If we do not accept the fact that our spouse is chosen for us by God then we can put our marriage in the same category as any other decision we have made in our lives.  We can say we made a mistake in the person we chose. We can move on and chalk it up as a learning lesson.  However, there is no mistake in who we married.

Our children were not a choice we made but were chosen for us

Sure, we may have decided to have kids but we did not choose who they are. We did not choose what they would look like or the type of personality they have. That is part of the joy of the parent-child relationship. We get to constantly discover them and see them grow. We cannot call a kid a learning lesson and move on without them because we did not choose them, they were given to us. We realize that we have been given this child and are responsible to take care of their needs--physical and emotional.

It's time for us to see our spouse the same way we see our kids

I know a lot of wives probably feel like they already see their husbands as kids but that's not the direction I am going here.  If we change our mentality and realize that our spouses were given to us by God's specific will then it will change our marriages. Our spouse makes us into a better person. We are able to love them in a sort of way that will shape them into the person that God wants them to be.  We have been given our spouse with a responsibility to take care of their needs--physical and emotional.  We all took a vow when we got married. That vow is that we promised to love our spouse whether they are sick (mentally, physically or emotionally) or healthy.  In good times and the bad.  Love them unconditionally. Not under the conditions that they treat you like a princess. Or that they submit to your every command.  Marriage is a vow unto God that we will forever be there as a help and support to love and cherish the very beautiful gift that he gave to us.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

HyperDunks Changed A Life

I wanted to share a story about how your shoes changed the life of one of my students. I am an 8th grade teacher in Vallejo, an economically struggling city of the East Bay Area.  I had a student who was a great athlete but he was an extremely poor student with many behavior problems. He came to my school because he was expelled from another school for hitting a teacher.  In addition to his continual behavior problems, this student carried a 13% in my science class.  One day, I noticed that he was playing basketball in his socks.  I asked him why he doesn’t play in basketball shoes to which he replied, “My mom’s trippin’, she wanted to buy a cell phone.” From that situation I gathered that his mom decided to buy herself a phone rather than buy her son some much needed shoes.  I called a friend whom I knew got a swoosh account discount and I asked if I could use it to buy shoes for this student.  He was so touched he said he would help buy them.  I remember pulling my struggling student out of his classroom to tell him this news.  I told him “Hey, I wanted to help get you some basketball shoes so you don’t have to play in your socks anymore. I talked to a friend of mine at Nike and we want to get you whatever pair of shoes you want.” This was a pretty hardened kid and I could see he was fighting tears.  His lip quivered as he said, “Thank you so much. This really means a lot to me.” He came into school the next day asking if he could make up for the work that he missed.  He got his grade up from a 13% to a 98% for the remainder of the school year. He also became a leader in the classroom as far as his behavior was concerned. Many teachers noticed the behavior change of this student and did not know why. I didn’t tell anybody at the school because I didn’t want to embarrass him, but I know it was a pair of hyperdunks from an observant teacher that made a huge difference.  

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Best Christian Worship albums & Artists

Going Beyond Popularity Into The Anointing

I have spent many hours searching for new worship songs and artists that I have not heard before.  There a lot of really good worship songs from popular Christian artists like Hillsong United, Chris Tomlin, Tim Hughes, Israel Houghton, etc...These are a lot of great artists with some real awesome anointed songs however there are a lot of great artists out there.  

I am part of a church with a few great songwriters that have songs that are very powerful and should probably be sung in Churches around the globe.  This has led me to believe that there are plenty of amazing Spirit-filled songwriters that may not ever have been heard by many in the Kingdom.   Odds are if you have come across this blog you are searching for great artists as well and may have heard of a lot of these artists.  Perhaps, you have artists that I did not mention that are worthy to be mentioned. Please reply with others as I am always searching for great artists and songs to incorporate as a part of worship at the Church I attend.   Here is my list:

Justin Rizzo

The International House of Prayer in Kansas City is doing amazing things in the Anointing of God.  They are champions of prayer and worship.   One of their most gifted worship leaders is this man named Justin Rizzo.  Much of his lyrics are straight out of the Word of God, hence it is very anointed.  He also interjects personal revelations given from God.  The songs are personal, yet God focused.  His album Found Faithful is a must have for any spirit filled believer. His songs are more rich than a lot of sermons I have heard.  The song Tree is based out of Psalm 1 and plays great as part of any worship service.  The epic song Glory Will Cover the Earth is my favorite song on the CD.  Who uses lines like "And the increase of His government shall know no end," in a song.  The title track, Found Faithful, is also great and ministers well.

Top Songs:
Glory Will Cover the Earth
Found Faithful
Gift of God

Misty Edwards

Misty Edwards is another powerful worship leader out of the International House of Prayer.  Her album, Relentless, is full of captivating worship songs.  This tiny girl sings with so much passion and love for Jesus you can feel the power in her spirit.  I listened to her album, Relentless for almost two months straight.  Upon my first listens the songs "You won't relent," and "People Get Ready" messed me up in a good way.  They are amazing. When you get this album listen to those two first.  As time goes on I enjoy every song.  Misty's songs are so amazing and anointed because she spends hours a day with Jesus in the secret place.  This devotion to our Savior comes through clearly in her worship.  

Top songs:
People Get Ready
You won't Relent
Finally I surrender

Jason Upton

I have never felt the presence of God as much as I have when I saw Jason Upton in concert.  This man has such a Father-son relationship with Yahweh.  It's incredible. It comes out in his teachings and songs.  Jason Upton is such an awesome brother in the Lord.   One can tell that he has had some amazing revelations about God and His Word.  That being said, Upton is a different case.   There is not a specific album that stands out of his.  He has  great songs onall of his albums.  I would say "Beautiful People and "Faith" are his best CD's for the most part. Basically, I recommend buying those two CD's.  I 500% say that if he comes to your town you HAVE to go see him in person.  He is such a blessing. Definetely get the songs below.

Best Songs:
Dying Star
Come up here
Dear John
Never alone Martin
Sons and Daughters
Freedom Reigns

Christ For the Nations

This is a humungous school full of talented musicians.  Their worship albums consists of full orchestra, great arrangements and anointed worship leaders.  There are some AMAZING songs that they have.  I have only heard their two CD's Great Exchange and Perfect Love.  These are good CD's.  There are a few songs in particular that stand out.  "Song of Ezekiel" is such a powerful song that plays out well listening to and playing at your church.  One of my favorite songs right now is off of their "Perfect Love" album called "Blessed Is the One."  That song is powerful.  

Best Songs:
Song of Ezekiel
Blessed is the One
Glory to the King
You Deserve it all

Steve Holbrook

I can almost guarantee that you have not heard of Steve Holbrook.  I have a feeling a lot of you have heard of Bill Johnson.  Bill Johnson is a father to many powerful leaders in the body of Christ and if you are looking for the best teachings the Holy Spirit is giving to the Church today, listen to his podcasts.  His church is doing amazing things.  

Steve Holbrook is a worship leader at Bethel Church.  His CD, Because of You, is one of those CD's you can put in and listen to it all the way through.   I love to listen it during devotional times.  It's also good to fall asleep to if you fall asleep to music.  It's mellow, and worshipful.  The song "Overflowing" is an amazing prayer turned into song.  Get this CD!

Best Songs:
Calling On You
The whole album

Brian and Jenn Johnson

The Son and daughter in law of Bill Johnson, these two have an amazing gift of prophetic worship.  There has not been a song written like "Where You Go I'll Go."  It is a prayer and song directed to the Father about being sold out to God.   If you are a worship leader, get the chords to this song and do it at your church.  God moves powerfully through this prayer and song.  They have a few other REALLY good songs.

Best Songs:
Where You Go I'll GO
What does it sound like
You are So Beautiful
Broken For You

Other Hidden Gem Single Songs:

"You Are My Refuge" by Jason Scott

There are a lot of good slow  songs in the church and not a lot of fast upbeat ones.  This is a great one.  If you are a worship leader looking for fast songs other than Trading My Sorrows, Lord I lift your name on high, You are good, etc...listen to this song and learn it. It's very easy and very good

Here In Your Presence by New Life Worship

You probably heard of Ross Parsley and company but just in case you haven't you must hear this songs.  They have a lot of great songs like "Amazed" and "Beauty of the Lord," but Here in Your Presence is amazing in lyrics and music. 

So Now We Come by Vineyard Music

This is another fast song which is great.  Very catchy and joyful. Just give it a listen and you will know what I mean.

Other Short mentions:

Gateway Worship

Kari Jobe and company have great songs like You are Good, Alabastar Jar, and Lord Reigns

Shane and Shane

Two friends who have some of the most amazing voice and harmonies I have heard.  Their songs don't play well in a church service, but they are great to listen to.  I think they do the best version of the old hymn "It Is Well."  Their songs "You Said" and "Beg" are amazing as well.


Similar to Jason Upton, Klaus has been part of Christ For the Nations and Gateway Worship.

Dan Macualay

Just found him out recently, but he is definitely a blessed song writer

God continues to pour out His Spirit in new song writers and I look forward to finding more and more.